Overall the experience was consistent with the recent ride reports
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I would say all the ride reports are pretty spot on
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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I produced a nice printed
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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The experience at headquarters was very pleasant
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Great experience
rstharold, , CJO Not Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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Did you receive a job offer? – Yes
Jet Brain, , CJO Offered, Fedex Ride Reports, 0
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Ride Reports
Jet Brain, , CJO Offered, UPS Ride Reports, UPS Ride Rrports, 0
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Emerald coast. They got me through my nerves which helped immensely
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Fedex Ride Reports, Fedex Ride Reports, 0
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Nothing surprising. RST concepts
rstharold, , CJO Offered, Delta Ride Reports, Delta Ride Reports, 0
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